October Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights For Employers WorldatWork’s Salary Budget Survey shows that salary increase budgets in the U.S. rose to an average of 4.1 percent in 2022, a 20-year high and much larger than the average 3.3 percent increase that last year’s survey of total rewards professionals projected in August 2021. A subsequent WorldatWork Salary Budget Quick […]
September Newsletter
5 Surprising Ways to Improve Employee Engagement. Rhonda Zuraff has been selected to serve on the University of Utah Mining Engineering Department Advisory Board of Directors! Join us for industry events. Emily Hagenah employee spotlight.
July Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights For Employers Have you reviewed the compensation strategy for your organization? In future newsletter issues, we will explore compensation surveys, salary banding, direct and indirect compensation topics. In the meantime, we encourage a look at your equity practices in terms of the Equal Pay Act. Consider this recent report: Gender Pay Gap […]
June Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights for Employers ‘More Experienced’ workers returning to the workforce The pace of retirements picked up during the pandemic. Can you entice these experienced workers to return to work on your team? Consider some lessons learned below from the healthcare industry and General Motors – both of which have a 24/7/365 schedule need… […]
Pray Solutions is Now P&C Recruiting | HR
This article was written by ADELLA HARDING Mining Correspondent of the Elko Daily. New Name. Same Great Company. In the five years since Pray and Company began, the business has grown to serve clients throughout the United States and beyond, and now the company has modified its name and logo to better reflect the expansion […]
May Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights for Employers Are You Aware of Current Wage and Hour Laws? The U.S. Department of Labor recently announced the addition of 100 investigator positions to its Wage and Hour Division workforce; signaling an increased focus on enforcement of wage & hour compliance. Common pinch point topics for employers… ►Is your employee an […]
April Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights for Employers How are Employers Coping with Too Few Workers* The numbers are staggering – an average of 4 million U.S. workers quit their jobs in 2021. And, many early to mid-career professional-level employees report that they intend to stay with their current employer for a maximum of 2 years. The usual […]
March Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlights For Employers A thoughtful employee onboarding plan improves employee engagement, internal communication effectiveness, employee alignment with your company’s objectives and results in strengthening employee retention – a topic that plagues every employer! Some experts say that employee turnover is reduced up to 20% when employers invest the time resources to develop an […]
February Newsletter
Helpful HR Highlight for Employers With the likelihood of remote work plans continuing, we encourage you to develop and review your remote work policies – ensuring consistency and compliance with wage and hour laws where applicable. Consider your… Work schedules and flex-time practices. Tracking working time and work-breaks. Work-related expenses incurred when working from home. […]